Vietnamese Zodiac

The Vietnamese zodiac is a system of 12 animals numbered into cycles that based on the lunar calendar. Each zodiac animal represents for one year and repeats again after 12-year in cycle. A different animal has its own meaning, but it also somewhat speaks of the personality of its owner. Vietnamese believe who born in […]

Flag of Vietnam

Flag of Vietnam

The flag of Vietnam or “cờ đỏ sao vàng” (red flag with yellow star) was officially recognized since 1976. It represents a unified Vietnam. The red flag with a yellow star has a rectangle, a width that is two-thirds the length, and a red background. In the middle is a five-pointed yellow star. During the […]

conical hat

Conical Hat – The Cultural Icon of Vietnam

Conical hat, (Vietnamese: Nón Lá) is an item used to block the sun, rain, fan and is a typical symbol of Vietnam. It’s closely associated with the Vietnamese people, no gender discrimination, age, status … There are many types of conical hats such as horse hats or Go Gang hats (made in Binh Dinh, made from pineapple […]

Top 10 Most Delicious, Attractive and Famous Banh Mi Shops in Saigon

Besides some traditional dishes such as Pho, Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun mam… Banh mi (Vietnamese: bánh mì) is a typical food that must-try when you want to discover the uniqueness of Vietnamese cuisine. It was first introduced to Vietnam in the early of 19th century when Vietnam was part of French Indochina and became […]