Starting a trip to My Tho – Tien Giang, most people choose Cai Be floating market, Thoi Son islet or Vinh Trang pagoda… as a destination but forgetting a famous Catholic architectural work that is more than 100 years old, which is Roman Catholic Diocese of My Tho.

General information about the Roman Catholic Diocese

Construction of the Roman Catholic Diocese began on August 11, 1906 under the supervision of bishop Régnier, on the platform of the old church. After many restorations and re-named, on November 24, 1960, Pope John XXIII officially issued the Decree “Venerabillium Nostrorum” and Roman Catholic Diocese was officially separated from Saigon Diocese. And in 2007, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the church’s construction, bishop James Ha Van Chung restored and expanded the church. He also repaired the tiled roof, rebuilt the sacristy, renovated the bell tower and placed the Cross right in the church grounds.

Roman Catholic Diocese of My Tho
Through many ups and downs, My Tho Cathedral has become one of the pilgrimage destinations where a large number of parishioners from all over the country gather together on major and important occasions of the year. 

Architecture of Roman Catholic Diocese of My Tho

Because it was built on a muddy ground, the height of My Tho Cathedral had to be lowered to ensure safety. Currently, the church is 24m high, 53m long and more than 17m wide, including a main compartment and two auxiliary compartments on both sides. The church was built according to Greek-Roman Renaissance architecture with round columns supporting the dome decorated with meticulous, sophisticated and elaborate patterns.

Roman Catholic Diocese of My Tho
Continuing inside, you will definitely be surprised at the airy space of the cathedral. Using the main white color tone, the space inside My Tho Cathedral gives people a feeling of airiness, spaciousness and luxury with the floor completely lined with smooth ceramic tiles. Meanwhile, the ceiling area is adorned with gorgeous European chandeliers.

Roman Catholic Diocese of My Tho

The arched door is adorned with sophisticated patterns following the Greek-Roman architectural style of the Renaissance. The sanctuary of My Tho Cathedral uses the main color yellow, white edges and red tile roof. This helps exude majesty and antiquity, while also demonstrating the steadfast and developed beauty of the parish after more than 100 years of formation.

Roman Catholic Diocese of My Tho

The old bell tower has been moved by Pastor Paul Nguyen Minh Chieu to the high southern tower. Later on, Pastor Giuse Chuc rebuilt another bell tower separate from the church. This is also the current bell tower that the church uses to announce ceremony hours or important occasions.

Source: collect by An

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