Tra Que Vegetable Village is an ideal tourist destination for those who are looking for simplicity, rusticity but no less attractive. The village with a history of more than 400 years is a must-see for tourists who love nature and wish to experience authentic village life. Take a day to explore the green space and enjoy the idyllic feeling of the countryside here!

General information about Tra Que Vegetable Village

Tra Que Vegetable Village is located in Cam Ha Commune, Hoi An City, about 3km northwest of Hoi An center with an area of ​​over 40 hectares, with households here rotating and intercropping more than 40 types of leafy vegetables and spices. Tra Que was first formed around the 16th century from residents in the north of Dai Viet (one of the old name of Vietnam) who migrated to reclaim land to establish the village.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

This place is famous for green vegetable products grown on the fertile land between Tra Que lagoon and De Vong river. In addition, people here also use algae taken from Co Co River to fertilize vegetables, combined with advanced techniques, so the vegetables in Tra Que are always fresh. In particular, there are many types of vegetables that are nowhere near as delicious as basil, perilla… When mixed together, vegetables will meet the 5 flavors of spicy, sour, sweet, bitter, and astringent. Thanks to that special flavor, Tra Que vegetables have contributed to making famous rustic dishes unique to Hoi An and Quang Nam. Furthermore, vegetable growing here produces very clean, especially does not affect the environment, bringing health to consumers.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Not simply a place to produce clean vegetables, Tra Que is also an ideal destination for tourists who love the freshness and peace of the vegetable village while enjoying typical delicious dishes prepared with vegetable sources in the garden.

On April 4, 2021, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued a decision to put Tra Que vegetable growing, Cam Ha commune, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province on the list of national intangible cultural heritage. 

Tra Que Vegetable Village

The ticket price to Tra Que Hoi An vegetable village is only 35,000 VND/person/day that includes sightseeing and participating in activities here. In addition, you can book a daily tour to Tra Que to be better introduced to the history, culture as well as the life and farming work of local people.

What’s the best time to visit vegetable village?

Because you mainly participate in outdoor activities, when coming to Tra Que vegetable village, you should choose the time from February to April and from September to December every year because this is the time when the weather is usually dry and cool.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Note that you should come early in the morning or in the afternoon, as the cool weather also the time when local people come out to take care of the vegetable garden, you can chat and try to experience the work of friendly farmers.

The best way to explore the village

Tra Que Vegetable Village is only about 3km from Hoi An so you can move easily by motorbike or bicycle. If you don’t mind a little exercise and it’s more convenient to visit the vegetable garden, then a bicycle is a great choice!

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Imagine the feeling of relaxation and peace when cycling around peaceful village roads, surrounded by cool green vegetable fields and a fresh, refreshing atmosphere that will help you relax and feel the wonderfulness of Tra Que.

What’s interesting about Tra Que Vegetable Village?

Admire the vast vegetable fields with many types of fresh vegetables

Coming to Tra Que Hoi An vegetable village, you will have the opportunity to admire many types of vegetables that are well cared for.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

This is a satisfactory result for the process of people here putting a lot of effort and time into growing and taking care of large vegetable fields, with the desire to bring delicious and quality products and dishes to tourists. 

Experience a day as a farmer at Tra Que vegetable village

Not only attracted by the green color of lush vegetables, Tra Que vegetable village also leaves an unforgettable impression when giving visitors a real day experience as a farmer here. You will be meticulously guided by local people on every step of vegetable production such as tilling the soil, sowing seeds, watering plants and harvesting.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Even though it’s a bit tiring but it will help you gain more knowledge as well as bring a feeling of immersion in farming work in this peaceful village.

Join a cooking class and enjoy delicious dishes made

If you are a foodie, join a cooking lesson with locals at thatched houses near the fields. You will be guided on how to pick vegetables, prepare and prepare delicious dishes from vegetables grown in Tra Que Village.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

This is also one of the interesting activities. You will be guided by chefs on how to choose ingredients and prepare Hoi An’s specialty dishes such as banh xeo (pancake), Quang noodles, spring rolls and can enjoy them directly after making them, worth trying for tourists to remember the typical flavors of the Central region.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Onions and cilantro are combined with jellyfish salad and sour soup; mustard greens, gooseberries… used to cook hot pot; Laksa leaves, basil, and green onions are used in a favorite mixed mussel dish in Hoi An. As for Quang noodles, you must eat them with Tra Que raw vegetables to experience the deliciousness of the combination of nature’s flavors.

Source: collected by An

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