The ancient North to South road, and today’s National Highway 1A, goes throughout the length of the country, through many geographical regions and beautiful natural landscapes; but perhaps there is no place as majestic and impressive as Hai Van Pass. It’s well known as the most majestic mountain pass in the world, a special place, not only for its scenery but also for its historical significance…

General information about Hai Van Pass

Hai Van Pass (also known as Cloud Pass because the top of the pass is covered with clouds all year round) is a pass running on the Bach Ma mountain range (a branch of the Truong Son range that runs horizontally into the sea, also called Hai Van mountain). The pass runs windingly across the mountain range, has a length of 20km, and an average height of 500m above sea level; is the boundary between Thua Thien Hue province in the north and Da Nang city in the south.

view from Hai Van Pass

According to history books, before 1306, the land containing Hai Van Pass belonged to the Champa Kingdom. Through many wars, this land gradually belonged to the management of Vietnamese dynasties.

During the Nguyen Dynasty, Hai Van was the boundary between Thua Thien and Quang Nam. The mountain pass is extremely dangerous, and difficult to navigate, with many wild animals and robbers. For centuries, very few people dared to travel here, and Hai Van was an obstacle in trade and cultural exchange between the North and South. In the northern part of the pass, at the foot of the mountain bordering the sea, there was Bat cave where many big waves that often sinks boats. That’s why people have a folk song: “The road is afraid of Hai Van, the waterway is afraid of big waves the Bat Cave.”

hai van pass

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the French colonialists established dominance in Vietnam, they built a railway through Hai Van Pass in 1902, and in 1906 the line opened, part of the national railway system. Construction started in 1881. This is truly a miracle because the terrain of Hai Van Pass is extremely dangerous. Hai Van Railway goes winding on the mountainside, passing through 6 tunnels and 18 bridges. The train travels on the pass on one side is a cliff, on the other side is a deep abyss and the sea.

a view from Hai Van Pass

a view of Hai Van Pass from a train

The railway still exists and is in use today. Taking the train across Hai Van is an unforgettable experience for anyone because you can admire the majestic nature and beautiful wild landscape of the pass.

In 2005, the road tunnel through Hai Van mountain was inaugurated and put into use. The 6.28km long tunnel (the longest road tunnel in Southeast Asia) has shortened the journey from 20km, significantly reducing time and is much more convenient in terms of terrain and safety compared to the old road.

Hai Van tunnels

However, many people when passing through Hai Van still choose to take the mountain road to enjoy nature and try a sense of adventure. From the top of the pass, on clear days you can see Da Nang City, Son Tra Peninsula, in the South or Lang Co Beach in the North.

What attracts tourists to Hai Van Pass?

Conquer the most beautiful coastal pass in Vietnam

The feeling that makes visitors excited when coming here is the feeling of conquest. Throughout 20km of this most beautiful coastal pass, there are U-shaped bends enough to make you “heart attack”.

Hai van pass

But if you overcome the feeling of fear, you will get completely worthy results. The majestic, breathtaking and equally poetic natural scenery laid out before your eyes will be a real visual feast that no one wants to miss. The pass road stands out among the vast majestic mountains with high mountains on one side and green forests on the other.

conquer Hai Van Pass

From the top of the pass, travelers will see the panorama of Lang Co Bay, Da Nang City, Cham islet, Tien Sa port, Son Tra peninsula… appearing like a wonderful picture.

Admire the Hai Van Gate

At the top of the pass, there is a mossy gate-shaped structure, stand out from the majestic natural landscape. That architecture is Hai Van Gate – a border gate between two provinces (Hue & Da Nang) and two regions (North & Middle). Hai Van gate was built during the Tran dynasty and has its current appearance after being restored during the Nguyen dynasty (the 7th year of Minh Mang – 1826). Hai Van Quan is built in the shape of an arched gate.

Hai van Gate

Above the door towards the direction to Hue, there is a stone sign engraved with the words “Hai Van Gate”, above the door towards Quang Nam – Da Nang, there is a stone sign engraved with the words “The most majestic mountain pass”. Hai Van Gate during the Nguyen Dynasty was a complex of many architectural items that functioned as a gate, also a fortress, and an important defense line south of the Imperial City of Hue.

Hai Van Gate

During the wars against France and America, the armies of these countries used this place as an important strategic point and built many other military items such as bunkers; deformed much of the original Hai Van Gate architecture. During the war, many major battles also took place here, causing much damage to the architecture. In April 14, 2017 this monument was ranked by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Historical and Architectural Artistic Monument. This has attracted many tourists to visit and admire the monument.

“Hunting” clouds on Hai Van pass

Hai Van is said to be the most beautiful viewing location on the top of the pass. This is a check-in point that no one wants to miss and is also chosen by many couples as a location to have a lifetime wedding photo set.

hunt cloud in Hai Van

The terrain in this area is quite flat so it is very convenient to camp, hunt clouds, and catch the sunrise. The moment the clouds cover the majestic Hai Van range, the experience of breathing in the cool, fresh air must be an unforgettable memory for visitors to the rattan yard at Hai Van pass at this time. 

Hai Van Pass

Source: collected by An

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